Wednesday 12 December 2012

What is the future of herbal medicine?

In some countries in Europe -- unlike the U.S. -- herbs are classified as drugs and are regulated. The German Commission E, an expert medical panel, actively researches their safety and effectiveness.
While still not widely accepted, herbal medicine is being taught more in medical schools and pharmacy schools. More health care providers are learning about the positive and potentially negative effects of using herbal medicines to help treat health conditions. Some health care providers, including doctors and pharmacists, are trained in herbal medicine. They can help people create treatment plans that use herbs, conventional medications, and lifestyle changes to promote health.

Who is using herbal medicine?

Nearly one-third of Americans use herbs. Unfortunately, a study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that nearly 70% of people taking herbal medicines (most of whom were well educated and had a higher-than-average income) were reluctant tell their doctors that they used complementary and alternative medicine.

What is herbal medicine good for?

Herbal medicine is used to treat many conditions, such as asthma, eczema, premenstrual syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, menopausal symptoms, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and cancer, among others. Herbal supplements are best taken under the guidance of a trained health care provider. For example, one study found that 90% of arthritic patients use alternative therapies, such as herbal medicine.Be sure to consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any herbs. Some common herbs and their uses are discussed below.

  • Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) has been used in traditional medicine to treat circulatory disorders and enhance memory. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be especially effective in treating dementia (including Alzheimer's disease) and intermittent claudication (poor circulation in the legs). It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets. By the same token, this means ginkgo may also increase the effect of some blood thinning medications, including aspirin. People taking blood thinning medications should ask their doctor before using ginkgo. Caution should also be taken with people with a history of seizures and people with fertility issues; speak with your physician.
  • Kava kava (Piper methysticum) is said to elevate mood, enhance well being and contentment, and produce a feeling of relaxation. Several studies have found that kava may be useful in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and related nervous disorders. However, there is serious concern that kava may cause liver damage. It's not clear whether the kava itself caused liver damage in a few people, or whether it was taking kava in combination with other drugs or herbs. It's also not clear whether kava is dangerous at previously recommended doses, or only at higher doses. Some countries have taken kava off the market. It remains available in the United States, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer advisory in March of 2002 regarding the "rare" but potential risk of liver failure associated with kava containing products.
  • Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) is used by more than 2 million men in the United States for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. A number of studies suggest that the herb is effective for treating symptoms, including frequent urination, having trouble starting or maintaining urination, and needing to urinate during the night. But a well-conducted study published in the February 9, 2006 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine found that saw palmetto was no better than placebo in relieving the signs and symptoms of BPH.
  • St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is well known for its antidepressant effects. In general, most studies have shown that St. John's wort may be an effective treatment for mild to moderate depression, and has fewer side effects than most other prescription antidepressants. But the herb interacts with a wide variety of medications, including birth control pills, and can potentially cause unwanted side effects, so it is important to take it only under the guidance of a health care provider.
  • Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a popular alternative to commonly prescribed medications for sleep problems because it is considered to be both safe and gentle. Some studies bear this out, although not all have found valerian to be effective. Unlike many prescription sleeping pills, valerian may have fewer side effects, such as morning drowsiness. However, Valerian does interact with some medications, particularly psychiatric medications, so you should speak to your doctor to see if Valerian is right for you.
  • Echinacea preparations (from Echinacea purpurea and other Echinacea species) may improve the body's natural immunity. Echinacea is one of the most commonly used herbal products, but studies are mixed as to whether it can help prevent or treat colds. A review of 14 clinical studies examining the effect of echinacea on the incidence and duration of the common cold found that echinacea supplements decreased the odds of getting a cold by 58%. It also shortened the duration of a cold by 1.4 days. Echinacea can interact with certain medications and may not be right for people with certain conditions, for example people with autoimmune disorders or certain allergies. Speak with your physician.
Buying standardized herbal supplements helps ensure you will get the right dose and the effects similar to human clinical trials. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about which herbal supplements are best for your health concerns.

Uses of Herbal Medicine

Uses of Herbal Medicine

Some believe that Herbal Medicine can treat anything but the following are some common uses of specific herbs:
  • St. Johns Wart is used to relive mild to moderate depression
  • Echinacea is used to treat the common cold, flu like symptoms and repertory infections
  • Valerian helps with sleep problems
  • Black Cohosh is used to help relieve menstrual symptoms
  • Garlic could lower blood cholesterol and help prevent heart disease
  • Ginger may help subside effects of nausea and vomiting
  • Evening Primrose can help with Rheumatoid arthritis and Hyperactivity
  • Feverfew helps dull the pain of migraines
  • Zemaphyte helps Atopic Eczema

How do Herbal Medicines work?

How do Herbal Medicines work?

Herbal Medicine uses the whole herb unlike many conventional medicines that single out an active ingredient of a plant and reproduce it in a laboratory. Herbalists use the entire components of the herbs; they believe the harmony represented in the plant will transfer into optimal success in treating ailments.
The success of an herb is determined by many components; the climate, the manner in which they are harvested, bugs, soil quality etc... Once harvested Herbal Medicine can embody several forms:
  • Oils
  • Teas
  • Juices
  • Creams
  • Tablets
  • Syrup
  • Tinctures

What is Herbal Medicine?

What is Herbal Medicine? 

Herbal Medicine has been used and practiced long before pharmaceutical discoveries and continues to be a popular choice to treat health concerns. Herbs from plants are used to treat a patient's individual health needs. It might come as a surprise but many established medicines are developed from plants, for example: poppies produce the main ingredient of the painkiller morphine. 

What is an herb?

What is an herb?

The loose definition of herb is any plant that is used for its culinary, medicinal, or fragrant properties.  Herbs are such a diverse group of plants that it is very difficult to separate them into logical groups.  Some disguise themselves as wildflowers, some are fragrant ground covers, and some are weeds that we try to eradicate from between the pavers in our driveways.  Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries, and if you wonder why, click here or see the  Why Try Herbal Medicines? link below.

Please do explore the links to the left for a comprehensive index of herbs and their uses, and the links below for some creative ways to use them in your own life.  See the Chart for Common Foods and the Culinary Chart to get a feel for what goes with what in cooking.  Also check the link for making your own Herbal Vinegars
, Herbal Oils, and Herbal Butters for yourself or for gift giving.

Herbal Health

Herbal Health

  • A form of alternative health, herbal health practices involve using herbs as a major source of nutrition and medicine. Herbal health practices use plant-based dietary supplements, like herbal capsules, teas, and skin preparations.

  • This cream contains special ingredients that can reduce the likelihood of skin burn scars. Bruise creams are healing creams that typically include additives of vitamins K or P. These vitamins help the skin repair from damage associated with a bruise.

Herbal Treatment

Herbal Treatment

  • Ginkgo Bilbao is most often used in its dry form and can be added in combination with other beneficial herbal treatments for hair loss, such as teas, shampoos, and lotions. Stinging nettle, or urticaria dioica, is a flowering plant found in many regions of the world that is generally used in teas and suspended in herbal oils to cleanse the body of toxins.

  • Herbal treatments for acne generally need to be carried out over an extended period. An effective herbal treatment for acne involves using neem oil and neem leaves. These can be applied externally, by mixing the oil or ground leaves into a paste with turmeric or sandalwood powder.

Natural Herbal

  • Some research suggests that the anti-bacterial properties of silver are due to its ability to disrupt the enzyme systems of many types of bacteria. Citricidal is a natural herbal antibiotic that is extracted from the seeds of grapefruit. It was first identified as a natural antibiotic by Dr Louis Parish in 1976, who found that it inhibited the growth not only of bacteria but also of a number of fungal and viral agents.

  • By using herbs to restore a nutritional balance, the body is equipped with what it needs to overcome illness and regain health. Natural herbal therapy can take many forms. Teas and tinctures are among the most common approaches.

What Is Herbal Therapy?

Herbal therapy is a broad term used to refer to any type of healthcare treatment using fresh or dried herbs. The use of herbs may take the form of supplements, fusions or teas, tinctures, topical creams and poultices. Herb therapy may also include the creation of a healing steam that is scented with various combinations of herbs.

While the origins of herbal therapy are unknown, just about every culture has used herbs as a means of dealing with different physical and emotional illnesses. Perhaps the most ancient documented form of this type of therapy is found in the healing traditions of China. Grounded in Taoist beliefs and principles, Chinese herbal therapy incorporates the use of many different types of herbs in caring for the sick. While in some cases, a single herb is used in the therapeutic treatment, it is not at all unusual for several herbs to be combined in order to prepare medicine for a specific ailment.

One of the strengths of herbal therapies in general is that the use of herbs helps to provide the body with essential nutrients that may be lacking in the daily diet. When the body does not receive sufficient nutrition, various types of aches, pains, and emotional disorders begin to appear. By using herbs to restore a nutritional balance, the body is equipped with what it needs to overcome illness and regain health.